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Betaplan works with a wide variety of languages, always appreciating challenges and new developments in the linguistic branch, feel free to ask us via chat or email about languages not listed in the languages offered section.
Betaplan’s scope includes many fields of expertise, such as legal, financial, business, technical, medical, literary, media, websites, and software, among others.
We perform translations from all types and sizes of documents. Apart from our system, we use Trados, MemoQ, and other CAT tools to provide value-added services, tailored to meet your specific needs.
Our professional team is ready to provide a sample for your next project, and we are looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Latin Spanish ES-LA
Latin America
There is a great diversity among the various Latin American vernaculars, and it would be hard to point to one trait shared by all of them which is not also in existence in one or more of the variants of Spanish used in Spain. Of the more than 469 million people who speak Spanish as their native language, more than 418 million are in Latin America and the United States.
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