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Betaplan works with a wide variety of languages, always appreciating challenges and new developments in the linguistic branch, feel free to ask us via chat or email about languages not listed below.

Betaplan’s scope includes many fields of expertise, such as legal, financial, business, technical, medical, literary, media, websites, software, among others.


We perform translations from all types and sizes of documents. Apart from our own system, we use Trados, MemoQ, and other CAT tools to provide value-added services, tailored to meet your specific needs.


Our team is ready to provide a sample for your next project, and we are looking forward to hearing from you soon.


Dutch is a West Germanic language that is spoken by around 23 million people as a first language — including most of the population of the Netherlands and about sixty percent of Belgium — and by another 5 million as a second language.

Outside the Low Countries, it is the native language of the majority of the population of Suriname where it also holds an official status, as it does in Aruba, Curaçao, and Sint Maarten, which are constituent countries of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, located in the Caribbean. Historical linguistic minorities on the verge of extinction remain in parts of France, Germany, and in Indonesia, while up to half a million native speakers may reside in the United States, Canada, and Australia combined. 


The Cape Dutch dialects of Southern Africa have evolved into Afrikaans, a mutually intelligible daughter language, which is spoken to some degree by at least 16 million people, mainly in South Africa and Namibia.

Dutch (dutch du-du) is one of the closest relatives of both German and English, and is colloquially said to be "roughly in between" them. Dutch, like English, has not undergone the High German consonant shift, does not use Germanic umlaut as a grammatical marker, has largely abandoned the use of the subjunctive, and has leveled much of its morphology, including most of its case system. Features shared with German include the survival of two to three grammatical genders—albeit with few grammatical consequences—as well as the use of modal particles, final-obstruent devoicing, and similar word order. Dutch vocabulary is mostly Germanic and incorporates slightly more Romance loans than German but far fewer than English] As with German, the vocabulary of Dutch also has strong similarities with the continental Scandinavian languages, but is not mutually intelligible in text or speech with any of them.

Betaplan Translations represents a wide network of native specialists performing high-quality Dutch translations. Give us the full details about your project and be sure our translation services will match your Dutch language translation needs.


Because words in different languages have a variety of meanings according to the sentence or phrase, it can be difficult to convey precisely the intended meaning of a text or sentence in the process of translating it. We have a pool of qualified translators to capture and reproduce the original meaning of the text or sentence in the target language. That is why we are able to deliver that accurate translation and in-depth comprehension of the source to the target language.

Please, attach your document (or a sample) to the form below and give us the full description of your project. Our managers will evaluate it and send you a fast quotation.

Video-game Translations

Video-game Translations

Mechanical Engineer Translations

Mechanical Engineer Translations

Medicine & Health Translations

Medicine & Health Translations

Websites Translations

Websites Translations

Tractors Translations

Tractors Translations

Environmental Translations

Environmental Translations

IT Translations

IT Translations

Automotive Translations

Automotive Translations

Airplane & Helicopter Translations

Airplane & Helicopter Translations

Marketing Translation

Marketing Translation

Truck and Trailer Translations

Truck and Trailer Translations

Technical Translations

Technical Translations

Telecommunication Translation

Telecommunication Translation

Wind Turbines Translations

Wind Turbines Translations

Robotic Equipment Translations

Robotic Equipment Translations

Information Technology Translations

Information Technology Translations

Patents Translations

Patents Translations

Computer Board Translation

Computer Board Translation

Legal Translations

Legal Translations

Pharmaceutical Translations

Pharmaceutical Translations

Cryptocurrencies Translations

Cryptocurrencies Translations

Casino Translations

Casino Translations

Educational Translations

Educational Translations

Chemical Translations

Chemical Translations

Car Engines Translations

Car Engines Translations

Agricultural Machinery Translations

Agricultural Machinery Translations

Business Translations

Business Translations

Machines Translations

Machines Translations

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