Betaplan works with a wide variety of languages, always appreciating challenges and new developments in the linguistic branch, feel free to ask us via chat or email about languages not listed below.
Betaplan Translation scope includes many fields of expertise, such as legal, financial, business, technical, medical, literary, media, websites, and software, among others.
We perform translations from all types and sizes of documents. Apart from our own system, we use Trados, MemoQ and other CAT tools to provide value-added services, tailored to meet your specific needs.
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Italian (Italiano) is a Romance language derived from Latin, belongs to the family of Indo-European languages, spoken as a native language by the 60 million (13%) of EU people, mainly in European countries: Italy, Switzerland, Vatican City, San Marino, and 3% people used to speak it as a second language: Malta, Slovenia and Croatia, by minorities in Eritrea, France, Libya, Monaco, Montenegro, and Somalia. There are also Italian speakers in some countries like Chile, Argentina, Canada, Brazil, Australia, the USA, and the UK.
There are also Italian speakers in some countries like Chile, Argentina, Canada, Brazil, Australia, the USA, and the UK.
During the 10th century, the Italian language started appearing in written documents in the form of short text and notes. For quite a while, there was no standard parameter for written or spoken language in Italy. The first grammar of Italian was produced by Leon Battista Alberti and published in 1495.
Italian was adopted by the state after the Unification of Italy, having previously been a literary language based on Tuscan as spoken mostly by the upper class of Florentine society. Its development was also influenced by other Italian languages and, to some minor extent, by the Germanic languages of the post-Roman invaders. The incorporation into Italian of learned words from its own ancestor language, Latin, is another form of lexical borrowing through the influence of written language, scientific terminology, and the liturgical language of the Church.
Now these days Italian (Italiano) is the official language of Italy and is mainly used in literature and media. Italian (Italian it-it) is considered one of the easiest languages for a native English speaker to learn. The grammar and sentence structure are different from English, but simpler. Because both languages have Latin roots, they also share thousands of cognates – words that sound the same and have the same meanings.
At Betaplan Translation, Italian translators are located both in Italy and overseas. We assign each project to Italian translators according to key factors, for example, accreditation, the field of expertise, and the translator’s home country, which are especially important factors for commercial and promotional translations.
We ensure that an Italian translation will read as well or even better than the source document by carefully assigning the most appropriate translators to the project. Familiarity with the most recent social and business terminology for your intended interest group is essential.
Betaplan Translation also follows high-quality standards not only in Italian translations, but in the management of all our clients’ orders as well. For example, we can offer you a personal Italian translator. If satisfied with the specific translator, you can ask to be served by him within the whole period of our collaboration.